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Week 1 – Bible Reading Challenge Review


monthly Bible wk 1


This past Tuesday, October 1st, marked the beginning of our new Monthly Bible Reading Challenge here at In All You Do. I have been so encouraged this week by the interaction of the ladies in our Facebook group. If you’ve not joined in yet – it’s not too late!!!

This past week I was able to dive back in to my daily routine of having a personal Quiet Time/Bible Study. I was motivated by the fact that I am now in charge of this Monthly Bible Reading Challenge group, but I was also encouraged by the women in our online group.

I promised that I would write about something that really stood out to me each week, but I must be honest…I’m having a hard time narrowing it down to just one thing. God really used His written Word to work on my heart.

This week, one particular word stuck out to me: WISDOM.

Proverbs 1 talks about the “fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” In Psalms 2, the author calls the kings to be wise and to serve the Lord with fear. Proverbs 2 tells us we should search for wisdom like a hidden treasure, comes with knowledge and understanding and it will also save you from the ways of the wicked. In the third chapter of Proverbs, the author says the man who finds wisdom and gains understanding is blessed. The author of Proverbs continues on in chapter four, by saying wisdom is supreme – therefore get it, even if it costs you everything! Everything includes our thoughts, actions, feelings – anything that stands between you and your relationship with the Lord. Chapter five begins with a warning to gain and keep wisdom and understanding so you will have and keep discretion.

Wisdom is vital to living a life full of Jesus Christ. Without wisdom, you can easily fall into the traps of this world – indescretion, adultery or any other evil. Wisdom that comes from the Lord, is worth finding. It’s not easy to find, so we must go searching for it, diligently, like we would search for a hidden treasure. But, once it’s found – it is a gift. A gift that gives a knowledge unlike any other.

It became clear to me this week that in order to gain this Wisdom and  Knowledge the writer of Proverbs speaks of we must  trust the Lord with all our heart, heed his rebuke and discipline and follow the firm path set before us. Sounds easy enough, right? Not so much.

The writer of Proverbs likens it to searching for a hidden treasure. Searching for something always involves an active role on our part and usually involves many steps. But searching for a treasure is difficult - very difficult. In the movies, the treasure is  rarely found quickly. It takes time and effort. It involves clues and a map. Our map is God’s Word and the clues to finding wisdom are written throughout His Word. In order to find it, we must seek Him by reading His word, soaking it up and living it out – daily. It is a constant battle, but one I am willing to go through. Are you?

It’s not too late to join in the October Monthly Bible Reading Challenge. We would love for you to join us!!

If you’re a blogger and have been following along with the reading plan, link up your post below!! Place the button (in the sidebar) either in your post or displayed in your own sidebar. I would love to know how the Lord is teaching you through His Word.

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