Joy is easy to find when the children are doing all they are supposed to do, bills are all being paid, nothing is broken and everything in the universe seems to be lined up perfectly. But, what about showing joy on those hard days. The ones that homeschooling took literally all day, the car broke down and the bad luck list could go on.
“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds…” James 1:2 (ESV)
On these days, we can still encourage joy in our homes and to those around us. Though it may not be easy it will still be worth it. After all, who wants to be surrounded by negativity when they are already dealing with more than enough.
6 Tips for Encouraging Joy, Even on the Hardest Days
- Strive to see the bigger picture: Even in the worst of situations, there is a bigger picture. One that we can’t always see being played out. However, if we strive to see the bigger picture, it changes our focus from the “bad” things and has us on the lookout for the blessings.
- Counteract the bad with the good: For every bad thing you notice try to name off three great things. For example, BAD: Child #1 is taking longer to do their school work. GOOD: At least you homeschool so they are allowed the extra time needed to grasp this particular concept. They are creating memories with you as they work toward a new goal and at the end of the day you will both will be able to bask in the feeling of success once the new concept is learned.
- Set the mood for joy: Attempt to make the environment a bit more joyful. Switch on some upbeat music. Music can help minister to one’s hearts even in the most troubling of times.
- Turn to God’s Word: It is hard to find joy in things when our hearts aren’t in the right place. It is safe to assume, if we are struggling to find joy we aren’t going to be able to infect those around us with joy either. Find a great podcast to listen to, worship tunes to turn on or quick verses that help you remember there is hope. Things are a lot less hopeless when we remember Who we serve.
- Find a moment to yourself: Finding time to yourself will help you to refuel emotionally and will help you refocus your energy on finding the joy, even in the stressful situations.
- Remind yourself that tomorrow will be a new day: Remember that all our current struggles won’t last forever. In fact, every struggle that we are dealing with is temporary. A season for growing.
Joy is so hard to find in the middle of a season filled with struggling and strife. Yet, it is important that we remember to keep our focus on what is really important, because at the end of the day everything has its own season.
Until Next Time Just Keep Soaring 4 Him,
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